
From DDO Compendium


This template is used on equipment for the Alignment Absorption enchantment.

Example Usage
{{AlignmentAbsorb|Chaos|28}}Chaos Absorption +28%: 28% Enhancement bonus to chaos absorption.
{{AlignmentAbsorb|All|28}}Alignment Absorption +28%: 28% Enhancement bonus to Alignment absorption, which includes Law, Chaos, Good, and Evil damage.


{{AlignmentAbsorb|(Alignment)|(Enhancement Amount)|(Bonus Type)|(Title)}}

Parameter Documentation
AlignmentThis specifies which alignement is being absorbed. Specify All for all alignments.
Enhancement AmountThis is the percentage amount that is absorbed
Bonus TypeThis is the type of bonus, defaults to enhancement
TitleThe title of the enchantment if not the same as the default


Ignore any errors below this line, The errors occur because there is no input into the template, in the template itself.

[[Alignment Absorption#{{{1}}}|{{{1}}} Absorption +{{{2}}}%:]] {{{2}}}% Enhancement bonus to {{{1}}} absorption.