
From DDO Compendium


Efreet are unpredictable creatures with fiery forms and spectacular magical powers. They are a type of genie native to the Elemental Plane of Fire.

Efreet are cruel and self-serving. They all consider themselves to be of noble character and assume grand titles to make themselves seem impressive.

Efreet are humanoid in appearance. They are very tall, generally reaching heights of twelve feet, and massive and solid. They are well-muscled, and have red or black skin that is always burning. For this reason, many resemble devils and are often mistaken for them. Their bodies are said to be made of basalt, bronze, and solid flames.

Efreeti magic is comparable to that of other powerful creatures, such as demons and liches, and is quite versatile. One area in which it is pre-eminent is in magical weaponsmithing. Efreet are particularly renowned for their ability to create flaming weapons.

Type:Evil Outsider
Monster Manual Type:Efreet
Alignment:Lawful Evil
Spell Resistance:0
Found In:

Other Members of the Efreet Race[edit]

