Chain Lightning

From DDO Compendium

Spell Chain Lightning Icon.png

Chain Lightning
Evocation (Electricity)
Level: Stormsinger 6Sorcerer 6Wild Mage 6Wizard 6Artificer 6
Cost (Spell Points): 25
Components: Material, Somatic, Verbal
Metamagic: Embolden, Empower, Enlarge, Eschew Materials, Heighten, Maximize, Quicken
Range: Standard AOE
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable
Cooldown (Seconds):  4.5 (Stormsinger, Wizard, Artificer), 2.75 (Sorcerer, Wild Mage)
Save: Reflex save for half damage
School: Evocation (Electricity)
Spell Resistance: No

D&D Dice: Deals 1d6+6 electricity damage per caster level, max 20.

Description: An electrical discharge strikes a primary target for 7 to 12 electrical damage per caster level and It then arcs to up to 5 other nearby targets hitting each of them with a similar lightning bolt. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half.


Frederik Star
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